I'm Miz Shawna, Shawna Whitlock, an LA-based fitness/dance instructor with a mission to help my clients transform their bodies with strength training and aerobic cardio, all while experiencing Joy and Fun. Who says transformation has to be so serious? I want to bring my clients back to the fundamentals of dance to connect them with their inner child. Experience doesn't matter, but excitement does. The tone of this class is playful and positive, yet intense and effective.
More About Me: I'm a native Southern Californian, but it was during my childhood years in El Paso, Texas where I first fell in love with dance. At first self taught, then officially enrolled in classes at 13, I looked to dance to find both solace and inner confidence. I was a Dancer and Character Performer at Walt Disney World, FL where I learned and discovered my gift of creating magical moments through performance and being me. After moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in comedy, I began sharing my passion when I started teaching children's dance classes at Creation Station Studio City in 2006—where my pseudonym Miz Shawna made her first appearance—and then moved into the fitness realm as a teacher at the original Pop Physique barre studio in Silver Lake. During my 7 years there, I learned tremendous lessons about the body and its complexities and not only became one of the most popular master instructors, but also a trainer for new teachers.
Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow.