Not only is Shawna a joy to take classes from, I also feel very safe because of her hands-on approach and knowledge about the intricacies of each muscle group. I have had issues with injuries and joint problems in other fitness classes but Shawna's instruction ensures that each and every student is doing the exercises the most safe and effective ways possible. - Jessica S. 
As a mama looking to not just get her body back but her confidence and overall health,  Miz Shawna's class has given me a fun and uplifting environment, mirrored with a challenging workout guaranteed to make you sweat, and laugh!!  I genuinely look forward to class. Oh and just one of the many perks... This mama already needs to buy smaller workout pants! - Nicole S. 
I always feel 10 million times better after taking Shawna’s class—she has a knack for transforming your mood through movement and music. As a teacher, Shawna is the perfect combination of challenging and supportive, making the class feel like a big, sweaty dance party among friends. It’s an amazing workout that somehow never actually feels like working out! - Allyson R.  
Shawna has changed my whole attitude towards fitness and exercise, and because of this she has changed my life!  For the first time ever in my almost 40 years of life I actually make working out a priority.  She's taught me that it doesn't need to be intimidating to be challenging and that while sometimes it is exhausting and strenuous and just plain hard, being pushed to your limit can be exhilarating and bring a true sense of accomplishment. Even in a class of 20 or more, she's attentive and able to individualize each person's workout experience.  She actually cares about each one of her students - the whole person and not just simply their workout.  She's welcoming and friendly.  And best of all, she's fun and silly and creative and she consistently brings that energy with her to each and every class she teaches.  She's literally the best! - Heather F.
Miz Shawna is like the love child of Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons with a dash of Lisa Frank. She's full of pure love, joy, finding your inner child and sweat! She combines heart pumping dance moves with isometric moves and light weights or resistance bands for a full body workout. Come ready to work and play. It's a blast! - Robin L.

Shawna has a way of teaching fitness that is so full of fun and life you hardly notice you're working out at all.  She is fearless in her classes - bold in her music and choreography, and undaunted in her connection to each student individually, and the class as a whole.  You truly feel as if you're working out with a friend, and if you've been to more than one of her classes, you probably are. - Betsy H.

I do not love working out, but Shawna makes me love working out. She has created an extremely challenging fun workout in an inclusive and non-judgmental environment. Everyone is encouraged to challenge themselves, but not push to a point of discomfort. Once when she noticed that I was getting frustrated/embarrassed by not being able to do a move as fully as I wanted she made a point to come over and say, “be patient with yourself.” To me that’s huge in a town full of classes that can be intimidating. Her class is hard but effective, and you barely notice how hard it is because you're laughing and dancing and having so much FUN. - Kate C.

I know I've been to a good class when I feel sore in weird places the next day. I know I've been to a special class when I'm sore and still feel giddy, like I've been on a really good date. Ahem, that got a little weird. Here's the real message - Miz Shawna's class is special. Her class is as hardcore as any studio workout. She combines dance, floor exercises, and barre work.There are push-ups. There are squats.  She' a trained Pop Physique instructor, so she knows how to coach my lazy butt into proper form. What makes Miz Shawna's class different? She's a human firecracker. She's got electric pink hair and completely infectious energy. Her only goal is to get her clients to lighten up a little while they're working out. You will dance. You will vogue in the mirror. You will be a goof because she makes it safe to be a kid. This is not a standard workout. I worked my ass off, laughed at myself, and, for a second, I felt like a bright, shiny firecracker! - Edie D.